Junior Tennis Coaching Registration for September 2024 is still open to fill the last few slots.
The classes will commence the week of Monday 16th Sept and run for a 10 week term ending on 30th November. There will be one week mid term break the week of Monday 28th October. We do not anticipate any catchup classes as the hall will be available to use in bad weather for club coaching. For any unforeseen circumstances a catchup will be organised by the club/coach and communicated in a timely manner. If your child cannot make this class for whatever reason we will not offer an alternative date or a refund.
Our junior coaching programme consists of Club Coaching and Tournament Coaching. Club Coaching is tailored for juniors who want to play in a fun environment and Tournament Coaching is geared towards juniors who are keen to play at competition level. All tournament players are expected to participate in a minimum of 2 days coaching.
All of the coaching is tailored to accommodate the different ages and ability levels of our players in a fun environment. This allows all players to improve their game (within a group of similar ability) and to work on all the skills required to play tennis.
Club Coaching will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays and Tournament Coaching will take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Please complete the form below to register your interest in securing a place in Club Coaching (Mondays and Wednesdays) or Tournament Coaching (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays). A minimum of two days commitment is required for tournament coaching and inclusion is based on the coach's discretion. There is no discount for siblings/extra hours.
Junior Coaching Entry - Sept 2024
Payment will be through ebooking when you get confirmation of class.
The price for coaching is as follows:
1hr - €105
2 hrs - €210
3 hrs - €315
3.5 hrs - €365
5 hrs - €525
Kind Regards,
