On Monday 23 rd January, Dr. Robbie Butler from UCC came
to talk to 5 th & 6 th Class about Science and Social Economics.
He was explaining some of his observations on the 2022
Soccer World Cup. It was very interesting to hear and see
all the facts and information he managed to collect over the
64 matches. 5 th & 6 th class learned a lot about the extra
time added to each half of the match and the children tried
to figure out reasons why there is more extra time in some
games than others.
Dr. Butler spoke to the children about his job as a lecturer/
scientist. He teaches approximately 200 students per week
and he estimates that he has taught around 10,000 people
from all around the world. He has even taught some
teachers from Scoil an Athar Tadhg! The main aspect of his
job since 2006 is to complete experiments and research
different topics. He spends a lot of his time researching.
He loves his job and he said ‘I feel like I’ve never worked a
day of my life!’
After this talk, the children learned more about social
economics and how people think. It was great having Dr.
Robbie Butler visit our school.
By Jake Varley and Emer Delaney.
