Dear Parents/Guardians,
Fáilte ar ais go dtí comórtas Sciath na Scol. As we prepare for our first game at home tomorrow may I take this opportunity to inform you of the planned games. Owing to our results over the last number of years we will be competing in section DF4 (12 a side) of the football competition. The top two teams in our group will play criss-cross semifinals with top two from other side of DF4. Should we qualify, semifinals will be played on 15th Oct.
The Sciath na Scol Finals are fixed for the first two weeks of November.
Games Scheduled (subject to change!)
Tuesday 17th Sept. V’s Rathduff at home Both Games @ 12noon.
Dé Máirt 24ú V’s Gaelscoil an Ghort Álainn (Away in Tank Field) @ 12 noon.
Tueseday 1st Oct. Game away V’s Glenville - Girls 12.00 pm. Boys 12.40 pm.
Deardaoin, 3ú Deireadh Fómhar V’s Gaelscoil Mhuscraí at home. Girls commence @ 11.30 and Boys commence @ 12.10.
Míle buíochas to CLG Carraig na bhFear for providing a visiting coach. Thanks also, to my fellow staff for their time and expertise. We hope the children enjoy the games.
Míle buíochas
Mr. Hanafin
