School Fees for the new school year 2019 / 2020 are now due for payment. The school offers a number of activities over the course of the year at the best possible rate. Your child's fee includes Allianz 24 hour Personal Accident insurance cover, this is a very worthwhile policy and provides cover in the event of an accident at school or at home- 24 hours / 7 days.
We are happy to confirm that payments can be made in full or by installment using the payment facility on the school website (see details on invoice attched).
As you can appreciate prompt payment is essential as the school funds a number of activities on an upfront basis, including the Allianz 24 hour cover.
We would be grateful to receive payment (either full or part) as soon as possible and by September 27th at latest.
You will also note that the most informative and useful presentations to pupils and parents on use of Social Media delivered on September 17th by the imminent Forensic Psychologist Dr. Maureen Griffin was provided for from school funds.
Thanking you in anticipation of your continued cooperation.
Le dea mhéin,
Marc Ó Síocháin.