It was a really busy week in Scoil an Athar Tadhg for all, but especially for the 6th class pupils who celebrated their Confirmation and the PA.
Firstly the PA hosted the traditional Easter Cake Sale on Wed 6th April. Thanks to all those who assisted and donated/baked cakes and goodies for the was wonderful to see a bit more normality and life return to our school halla!
In conjunction with Mr. O'Sullivan's and Ms. Reen's 6th classes the PA also facilitated a GIANT Easter Hamper Raffle. In total there was an impressive E487 raised!
Congratulations to Zen Barry in Mr. Forde's 1st Class........I know Mr. Hanafin was hoping he would win the hamper!!! Well done to all involved!

On Thursday, 6th Class pupils celebrated their Confirmation in the local parish church with Fr. Martin. It was a wonderful day and a testament to the preparation that pupils and staff had put in, in the lead up to the ceremony.
Afterwards in the local parish hall the PA, led by Ashley and Imelda....assisted by many others, hosted the now traditional post-ceremony 'cup of tea'. It was a wonderful occasion for all to catch up and have a chat.....something small we have missed over the last few years after Sacramental celebrations!
Thanks to all who helped organise and facilitate!