Neurodiversity - My Perspective
I am an autistic child, so I know a lot about Neurodiversity. I have
been to OT, and I have Aspergers. Aspergers means that I can think
about something for a long time and not think about much else. A
good thing about it is I can remember good things and I can
remember lots of facts too. A bad thing is I can remember some bad
things and things I’d rather not think about. Here are some other
things about how being neurodivergent can make me think and act.
People with autism can think differently compared to other people
but that’s not a bad thing because everybody thinks differently. Lots
of my friends in the special classes tend to mimic things they’ve
heard. I do this as well, but me and one of my friends made up a
game based on mimicking. We take turns mimicking a TV
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Nicktoons”. My friend and I like this game, we think it’s fun.
Me and some of my friends do not like certain noises like loud ones
(ECT). Sometimes I want to say something but I’m not sure how to
put it and I’m worried that it might come out wrong and hurt
someone’s feelings or it might be a bad example.
People with autism can think about their day differently. I break up
my school day in my head I break it into 4 parts Morning, Middle,
After big break and what I call the home stretch. I look out for how
much work I must do each day. I like to see what work I must be
aware of through the day so I am prepared. Sometimes I rush
something if I want to do another thing but it will only make it longer
because I will have to go back to it and fix it.
I also find joy in the simple things. We go on the same walk over and
over and my siblings gets tired of it, but I don’t. I also find trying new
foods hard because the taste, and sometimes the texture makes me
dislike it.
Thank you for reading to my project I
hope you know more about neurodiversity and
autism than when you started.
