Scoil an Athar Tadhg is now accepting enrolments for incoming Junior Infants Sept. 2024.
Annual Admission Notice
Please find below all relevant instructions, information and forms.
Open this file to access Application Form for Admission
Please return completed form on or before 14/12/23 by:
dropping it into school office
emailing completed scanned doc.'s to
posting it to --- Scoil an Athar Tadhg, Carraig na bhFear, Co Cork T34 PP30
IMPORTANT - The signed forms need to be accompanied by your child's Birth Certificate and Baptismal lines (Baptismal Lines needed if your child was not Baptised in our Parish.)
Please also see these relevant documents.
Further policies are available on our school website policy page...
If you have any queries regarding forms or certificates please contact the school office on 021 4884509 and leave a message or email
