Your child will be performing in Scoil an Athar Tadhg, School Hall , in the Later Performance Christmas Concert Tuesday 10th December @ 7.30pm
Ms. Shaunagh Dunlea --- Junior Infants
Ms. Irene Farrell --- Senior Infants
Mr. Diarmuid O’Driscoll --- 1st /2nd Classes
Ms. Claire Cunningham & Ms. Neasa O’Shea --- 2nd Class
€5.00 per ticket and 2 tickets per family as the seating in the hall is limited. Tickets must be bought online only @ www.athartadhg.ie .
€8.00 per ticket if your children are performing in both shows and 2 tickets per family as we have very limited seating.
Tickets will be issued to your child Monday 9th December
Only children who are performing Ms Tara Butlers, Ms Sinead O’Driscoll and Mr Philip O’Brien’s Class ) in the earlier show will be supervised in their classrooms.
