Scoil an Athar Tadhg
Carraig na bhFear

School Uniform

Junior and Senior Infants: Junior Infants and Senior Infants wear wine crested school tracksuit and a white polo shirt as their school attire each day.
First Class – Sixth Class: Our school uniform consists of the following:
White shirt/blouse.
Wine tie with grey stripes.
Wine jumper with school crest.
Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore.
Wine crested school tracksuit (a white polo shirt is worn inside)
School Shorts are ideal for warmer weather
To increase pride in their school uniform, children from first to sixth class are expected to wear their complete uniform Monday – Wednesday (this includes the school tie).
Tracksuits are worn on Thursday and Friday only.
School Uniforms may be purchased at Buckley’s Drapery in Shandon Street, Cork.