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Parents Association
P.A. 2019-20



Dear Parents,


The Carraig Na Bhfear Parents association AGM was held on Thursday 17th October 2019. A committee was elected on the night details are below. The email address to contact the committee direct: CARRAIGNABHFEARPA@GMAIL.COM


Chairperson: Ashley O’ Keeffe            087-4140201               Treasurer: Imelda Carey


Secretary: Alicia Collins                                                          Assistant Treasurer: Alicia Collins


Assistant Secretary: Louise Dwyer


Committee members: Johanne Ridgeway, Carol Smyth & Helen Foley


During the year we will hope to have many events to entertain both parents and kids with the view to raising much needed funds for the school. We already had a successful cake sale at Halloween that raised €660. We have plans for Santa in December and also aparent’s night out, Easter cake sale and other exciting events in the New Year.

We are hoping to engage with all parents during the school year and we will begin by inviting the parents of Neidin to join us for coffee and a chat with us and other parents on Thursday January 16th 9-10am. Junior and senior infant parents are invited on 30th January 9-10am.



Halloween cake sale

Christmas concert raffle Dec. 12th

Bag packing Dec. 15th

Santa visit & non uniform day Dec. 19th

PA training courses Jan. 9th

Coffee morning neidin jan 16th

Coffee morning juniors &Seniorsjan 30th

Raffle at Carrig drama night tbc

Parents night out tbc

Confirmation march 2nd

First confession tea and coffee march 12th

Easter cake sale tbc

First holy communion may 16th

Parent training courses tbc

Summer show raffle tbc


Got a suggestion.....please click on the link and complete suggestion form.


(021) 488 4509

©2022 by Scoil An Athar Tadhg.

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