Scoil an Athar Tadhg
Carraig na bhFear


An Neidín
An Neidín, meaning Little Nest, caters for children on the Autism Spectrum. We have 5 classes in An Neidín comprising of a preschool early intervention class and four other classes. The children integrate for various subjects to their attached mainstream class.
The classrooms are physically structured in accordance with the TEACCH Model, with specific areas for individual learning, group work, play and lunch. We incorporate Lámh, PECS, visual schedules and visual supports to enhance the children’s language and communication.
Our multi-sensory rooms include the Hall, Swallow, Owl and Bluebird rooms.They consist of fibre optic lights, a bubble tube, projector, mirrors, our sensory pod, swing, slide, ladder, scooter boards and balance beams etc. These rooms can be used to stimulate a child or help a child self-regulate and also to work on a child’s gross motor