Scoil an Athar Tadhg
Carraig na bhFear

About Scoil An Athar Tadhg
Scoil an Athar Tadhg is a mixed rural school situated approximately 6 miles from Cork City in the village of Carraig na bhFear (T34 N276).  There are currently 336 students in the school.  It was built in 1974 and named after a local former parish priest, an t-Athar Tadhg O’Murchú. He was the man responsible for the building of the monument in the village dedicated to the local poets, called Faiche na bhFilÃ. At the start of the 20th century, Irish was the spoken language in parts of Carraig na bhFear.  An t-Athar Tadhg fostered a great love of Irish in the parish during his time here (1960-1972) and the school continues with this tradition today.
Our school is guided by a highly trained staff of 13 Class Teachers, 11 Special Education Teachers, 5 Special Class teachers, 22 Special Needs Assistants and an Administrative Deputy Principal and Principal, all with special skills and interests. The work in all the classes is progressively developed to provide a holistic, inclusive, child-centered education. This contributes to a very thorough academic and social preparation for Secondary School.